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How Cape Town's chief prosecutor decided to charge San Souci teacher

News report: assault charge reinstated against teacher (see here).

I wrote here that it's easier to be charged and prosecuted for racism than real crimes like those I relate here and elsewhere in my blog. It's a fact the NPA is influenced by politics and ANC - what to prosecute and not prosecute.

But to be clear, it's a fact Cape Town's DPP Rodney de Kock (an unsuccessful applicant for NDPP that Shamila "The Shy" Batohi got) is swayed by political pressure and considerations from the DA WC government, including former premier Helen Zille. I have proof - it's not DA bashing or speculation.

Two years ago De Kock, who only appears in court when there's a photo op available, dropped a so-called ongoing investigation of serious charges including culpable homicide and fraud against Western Cape Health Department employees after Zille instructed her agent to interfere in the "investigation". Last year he and SAPS refused to investigate corruption charges (while SAPS investigates the NPA can "initiate" criminal proceedings which includes instructing the police when there's evidence of an alleged crime) including against another WC employee, related to the former case, despite the persuasive evidence.

But he was like this when the ANC ran the province too. Years back he refused to prosecute a then WC employee who had influential friends in the department for fraud because it was "unfair" (sic).

The NPA and its officers are supine, compliant to whomever is in political office or has political connections or has the ear of these politicians, e.g. politicians themselves, government workers, fallists, anyone who cries 'racism', etc. It goes for the ANC, DA, EFF and likely other parties in declining order of importance. These connected persons have a hot line direct to the NPA, NDPP, DPPs and prosecutors and get instant attention which the public, victims and even journeyman lawyers like Booth don't have.

This is corruption and gross ineptitude, the kind the public tends to overlook.

So here is an imagined phone call between Cape Town Director of Public Prosecutions Rodney de Kock and a wealthy and highly important person of the Left/ANC/Socialist Hierarchy (WHIPLASH; there’s so many, they’re interchangeable) about the teacher:

WHIPLASH: Rodney, my bru. Howzit? Long time.
Rodney: My bru. Long time. No man, I have important business – cases I’m looking over, that I’m not going to prosecute. Know what I mean. Ha ha.
W: Ha ha. You know mos ... What’s going on with Samila [sic]? (Gossip follows. This doesn’t concern us. We pick up the conversation again.)

W: Rodney, why I’m calling – it’s that teacher from San Soaci, er, how do you say that bleddy name again .... these fokking white names get me.
R: San Souci?
W: Ja, why did you drop the case, man. We had her dead to rights. These white racists man, they really get me. Human Rights [SAHRC] got her too. The bitch must go to Pollsmoor and sit with that – what’s her name, the one who sweared [sic] at that SAPS cop?
R: Penny Sparrow? Vicki Momberg?
W: Ja, that one, the Momberg.
R: That was in Jo’burg. But anyway, we don’t have a case against her. We really tried. I put one of my top advokaats, Nadia Ajam, on it but she said no charges will stick.
But my bru, we’ve got a helluva lot of cases to prosecute, really serious ones – that UCT rioter ...
W: No, man! I’m telling you now, and it comes from the top: LEAVE FOKKING UCT RIOTERS ALONE! You know mos they’re with us.
R: OK, OK ... Sorry, but you get my drift.
W: No, I don’t. We don’t like it one bit, so this is instructions [sic] from the [Politburo] High Command that you must burn that white bitch.
R: (Softly) Ja, OK.
There’s a moment of quiet then W says, ‘I’ve got a potjie going this weekend. Come, and bring the little woman.
R: That sounds lekker, man. But she says my boep is too big, so only one or two beers for me.
W: Lekker. See you then. Bye.
R: Bye.

This is satirical extrapolation of the known facts that the NPA permits ANC, DA and politicians to interfere in its business. In 2017 a Cape Town DPP prosecutor, Nadia Ajam, took a call from then premier Zille’s agent about an ongoing investigation. He boasted to me he had used his personal contacts w/ the DPP to speak directly w/ the prosecutor (an advocate) and obtained confidential case information not even available to the complainants (us). The DPP then and later confirmed there was no ‘criminal proceedings’ and later declined to prosecute. They denied wrongdoing.


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